From left to right, they correspond to the following papers: dRLMPPPPS90 (de Rujula, Lusignoli, Masetti, Pich, Petrarca, Prades, Pugliese, Steger), LHC Workshop Proc., Vol. II, CERN 90-10, ECFA 90-133, DEC. 1990. DDGN90 (Dib, Dunietz, Gilman, Nir), Phys. Rev. D41 (1990) 1522. LMMR92 (Lusignoli, Martinelli, Maiani, Reina), Nucl. Phys. B369 (1992) 139. AL94 (Ali, London), hep-ph/9405283. CFMRS95 (Ciuchini, Franco, Martinelli, Reina, Silvestrini), Z. Phys C68 (1995) 239. BBL96 (Buchalla, Buras, Lautenbacher), Rev. Mod. Phys. 68(1996), 1125. AL96 (Ali, London), Nuovo Cimento 109A (1996) 957. PPRS97 (Paganini, Parodi, Roudeau, Stocchi), Physica Scripta Vol. 58 (1998) 556-559. BF97 (Buras, Fleischer), Adv. Ser. Direct. HEP 15 (1998) 65. BPS98 (Parodi, Roudeau, Stocchi), Il Nuovo Cimento 112A (1999) 883. PS98 (Schune, Plaszczynski), hep-ph/9911280. AL99 (Ali, London) Eur. Phys. J. C9 (1999) 687. CFGLM99 (Ciuchini, Franco, Giusti, Lubicz, Martinelli), Nucl.Phys. B573 (2000) 201. CPRS99 (Caravaglios, Parodi, Roudeau, Stocchi), hep-ph/0002171. M99 (Mele), Phys. Rev. D59 (1999) 113011. CDFLMPRS00 (Ciuchini, D'Agostini, Franco, Lubicz, Martinelli, Parodi, Roudeau, Stocchi), JHEP 0107 (2001) 013. B.et.al.00 (Bargiotti et al.), La Riv. del Nuovo Cimento Vol. 23 N3 (2000) 1. HLLL00 (Hoecker, Laplace, Lacker, LeDiberder), Eur. Phys. J C21 (2001) 225. and the value from this UTfit paper.
The dotted lines correspond to the 95% C.L. regions (the only information given in those papers). The larger bands (from year '99) correspond to values of from direct measurements. |